Beth McFarland
Handbell Director
Beth McFarland has been ringing handbells for 38 years, and has been ringing with UMCL Heritage Bell choir for 28 years. She is thrilled to now be the handbell director at UMCL. One of her favorite things is being able to bring beautiful music to our congregation with a wonderful group of musicians and working with amazing staff members. In addition to directing at UMCL, she is also the handbell director of the Celebration Ringers from Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Arlington Heights and the Random Ringers Community Handbell Ensemble and works full time as an Administrative Assistant for a local pharmaceutical company.
Aside from handbells, Beth is married to her husband, Dan, and has three daughters, Keira, Abbey, Megan, two cats, George and Fievel and two dogs, Coco and Claudia.
Fun fact, Beth has also grown up at UMCL and joined the church in 1984.
Please reach out to Beth if you have any questions or interest in ringing handbells.